
R​ecommended publications

  The MBA Library collects information about materials recommended for the Warsaw University of Technology Business School programs.
The purpose of the website is to organize information and facilitate access to publications.
  Business School students can borrow books from the Business School Library (see catalogue ) and from the WUT Main Library (see  catalogue ).
Before borrowing books from ML, Students should get a library card for which a photo will be required.
Students can use the resources of the Business School Library without any additional formalities.
WUT Main Library opening hours
Business School Library opening hours
  Business School students also have remote access to full-text databases, books, journals, reports, cases from Ebsco, Emerald, Proquest, Ibook, Medline and many others. You can find here journals such as Harvard Business Review, Forbes, The Economist etc. Complete list of databases.  
To use databases remotely, you need to log in to the website of the WUT Main Library
● Login - the identifier is your PESEL number. People who do not have a Pesel number will receive a different ID via email.
● The year of birth is the temporary password.
The multi-search engine for electronic resources is there.
  The MBA Library provides links to publications and other recommended materials available in open access.
On the Moodle e-learning platform, lecturers post cases, recommended publications and their materials.
MBA Office supply logging information for Business School Students.

WUT Business School Library - main website
tel. 22 234 70 68